
ID Verification for Pet Payments

This page is only for sellers using Pet Payments.


(All Users) General Pets4Homes ID Verification

Please click here for information related to general ID Verification.

How do I verify my ID and bank details?

Start ID Verification by following this link while logged into your Pets4Homes account.

We verify your ID and bank details to ensure your account's security and make sure nobody is pretending to be you. This also helps us make the site more unfriendly to scammers and puppy farmers who really don't want to be tracked!

You only need to do this for your first payment request. You will need:

  • A valid passport, driving licence, or national identity card
  • Your bank details
  • Access to a mobile phone is recommended

After you accept a payment request you will be asked to verify your ID and submit your bank details to our trusted partner Stripe. They specialise in securely verifying identity documents for individuals to receive payments.

  1. Accept the request as explained here
  2. Accept the terms and conditions
  3. Enter and verify your personal details and bank information
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen to verify your ID:
    • Choose Automated Verification
    • Choose your ID type
    • Allow camera access
    • Take a photo of your ID (front and back where relevant)
    • Take a selfie

How long does ID verification take?

It takes just a few minutes to upload your document. After submission, verification is fast so you will likely be approved within minutes! If we need you to try again, you will receive an email from us asking you to re-submit your documents. Sometimes, we have to manually review an ID submission which may take 1-2 business days.

As a thank you, you'll receive a free boost once your ID has been verified!

Why am I being asked to verify my ID again to receive payments?

If you have previously verified your ID (and potentially bank details) you might be wondering why we are asking you to verify again to accept a payment through Pets4Homes. The reason is that we we have updated the ID verification process to make it simpler, and most importantly, safer. This means we can have the highest confidence that nobody is pretending to be you, and no one can receive your money or access your remaining balance until collection day.

The consequence of this update is we need you to re-verify your ID and confirm your bank details again. We apologise for this inconvenience and thank you for re-verifying your details.

I submitted my ID but have been asked to try again

Unfortunately, sometimes we might not be able to verify your ID the first time. Usually this is caused by a simple issue. You can try again by clicking this link.

When trying again, please make sure:

  • Capture a clear image: Make sure that the images are clear, and not too dark or bright
  • Be careful with the lighting: Avoid spaces with strong overhead lights that cast a shadow
  • Do not block any part of your ID: Lay your ID flat on a table or move your fingers out of the way
  • Do not block your face: Remove sunglasses or other accessories, move hair out of your face
  • Take a real photo of your ID: Scans and screenshots are not permitted!

What is Stripe?

Stripe is our verification partner for Pet Payments that helps us to ensure users on Pets4Homes are who they say they are and helps us to keep payments made through the website secure. While you are verifying your ID, you may receive emails from Stripe alerting you if there is an issue with your verification attempt.

How do you secure my data?

It’s prudent to know where your information will be stored, especially when it’s sensitive information like your ID. But don’t worry, we work with our experienced, trusted partner Stripe. Stripe powers payments for some of the biggest companies in the world and have strict security measures in place. In fact, they've been rated as PCI Service Provider Level 1 which is the most stringent certification a payment provider can get!

Contacting the Trust & Safety Team

If you are still having trouble, please reach out to us by clicking the button below.

Contact Us

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